A Prayer for the Beloved
I’m sorry I hurt you
I’m sorry I lied
Please believe me
Trust me
I tried
I’m trying
I know
Your patience
It’s wearing thin
Like the ice I’m skating on with you.
Promises, promises
In false empty promises I’m a pro
I know
But please believe me
Please trust me
When I make them
I mean them
I believe them
For a brief fleeting moment in time
I’m just finding it hard to let go
Of the one true constant I have ever had
Who has been there for me through thick and thin
Who has consoled and comforted me time and time again
When you weren’t there
And were oblivious to the mess I was in.
I’m finding it hard to walk away and say goodbye
To my other love
To the one that got me high
The one who’s picked me up
And dragged me down
The one who’s driven me crazy
And sent me clear out of my mind
I’m struggling to turn my back
To leave my beloved behind
I know I’m not being kind to you
To have another with a firm, fixed place in my heart
From whom I’m having such a difficult time, a battle, a struggle trying to part
To sever the ties
To which I’m inextricably, inexplicably bound
Under whose thumb
And around whose finger I am ever so tightly wound.
Please forgive me
I don’t expect you to forget
The pain and suffering I’ve put you through
Because I am feeling it too
I know this is hard
That this is testing for you
Well, newsflash, it is really testing for me too
This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life
That I’ve ever had to do
Harder than any exam or job interview
I’m having to work hard every day
Not to be led astray
By my tempting temptress
Whose life is so interwoven in mine
I’m having a hard time
Extricating myself
From my second skin
I’ve become so uncomfortable in
I am working harder than I have ever worked before
To keep myself from giving in
To seduction once more.
Please believe me
It is no easy task
All I ask is that you ease up
That you stop giving me such a hard time
That you give me chance
Can’t you see that what I’m going through here
Is the break-up of a lifelong romance
I will stumble, falter and fall along the way
But I’ll keep trying
And I’ll stop, one day
And somewhere further down the line you’ll eventually catch up
Still not being able to believe me or trust me for quite some time
Not being able to believe that it is for real
After this long, drawn out ordeal
Not being able to trust me quite the same
After this cat and mouse game
Remaining sceptical for a while
That this sordid chapter in my life is really done and dusted and over
It will take time
And patience on both our parts
If you have any left with me by then
I know it’s a really big ask.