Burn Out
I am a rabbit trapped in the headlights
I can’t see the wood for the trees
It’s all become such a tangled web of a mess and a blur
My mind is awash and a whirr
A swirl of thoughts
That I can’t straighten out
That I can’t make sense of
That I can’t sort through
There’s too many to hold inside
That they’re seeping out
They’re overwhelming me
A veritable deluge
That has become so huge
It’s threatening to sweep me away
You’ve overloaded me to the point I can’t cope
I can’t function any more
I’m a shell of my former self
A bundle of bones and frayed nerves
A wreck crashed up and broken on the shore
There’s nothing left inside
I’m empty
I feel like I’ve died
You’ve burned me out
You’ve snuffed out my light
The one that shined so bright
That was so excited and full of joy
To have found my dream job at last
The one that everything I had done in the past had led to
My hobby, my passion, my bliss
How could it reduce me to this?
You’ve pushed me to the brink
I can no longer think
Or concentrate
My thoughts are muddled and confused
They’re racing away
Like a deer
In fear for its life
I can’t sleep
I can’t eat
I can’t face another day
I feel sick
I feel nauseous
At the thought of going in to work
I’m becoming more and more ill every day
I’m slowly fading away
Buried under a pile of things to do
And emails to respond to
I am swamped
Drowning in a quagmire
My situation is that dire
That it is suffocating me
And I can’t come up for air
I can’t breathe
And I can’t take any leave
I have to just keep soldiering
And plodding on
Kidding myself
That somehow I’ll manage
I’ll get through
I’ll get it all done
You piled it up
And heaped it on
You didn’t consult me or ask
You just gave me any old task
You didn’t want to do
Because I was clearly so competent and able
But now I’ve become unstable
I’m rocking and reeling
From yet another blow
But I’ve got nowhere else to go
I’m between a rock and a hard place
I have no room to manoeuvre
You’ve boxed me
Cornered me
And hemmed me in
To the point where I’m unravelling
Like a ball of string
I’m so taut
And wound up tight like a spring
A Jack-in-the-Box
I’m restless
I can’t focus
I can’t sit down
Or stay still
And now I’m frozen
I’m rooted to the spot
I am on the verge of collapse
I don’t think I can take or handle this anymore
I am exhausted
You’ve worn me down
And out
I am flat out for the count on the floor
I know you’re trying to push me out the door
I know you want me to go
I’ve become so reliably unreliable
Such a liability
Isn’t it a pity
That someone who made such a promising start
Who had such capability and potential
Has fallen apart
So you make it untenable
You find my Achilles heel
The one that would prove the last straw that broke the camel’s back
You knew exactly the right button to push
And when push comes to shove
I’m gone
I resign myself to a cruel, cold, heartless fate
I had too much on my plate
More than anyone could bear
And you didn’t care
So I give up
I give in
I quit
You’ve won
I’m done.