Euphoric Recall
Let me recall my euphoria
Let me remember the good times
When I soared so high
I touched the sky,
The moon and the stars
Filled my hands
And glittered all around.
Let me take a trip down memory line
Walking hand in hand with you
My drug
My buddy
Oh happy days
Oh happy daze
But not confused
Filled with the awe and wonder of the universe
Understanding it all.
Let me relive the laughter, joy and happiness
I sought
And which you brought
In abundance
To my table
When my cup runneth over
When I didn’t have a care in the world
And was free
To be me
And to connect with you
On such a deep and meaningful level.
Let me reminisce
About my trembling bliss
My ecstatic ecstasy
The earth shattering
Mind blowing beauty
Of self-satisfaction
In the cocoon of your warm and tender embrace
That makes me feel safe
And relaxed
And so at ease
Was this just a phallacy?
Oh yes, please
Let me recollect
How you made me feel
Oh so very real
And alive
And present
At one with the world
At peace.
Let me recapture that wonderful, magical moment
In time
Eternal and everlasting
Before I stumbled and faltered
Lost my footing and my way
Before I slid down
And slipped up
And fell in too deep
A wretched heap
Before my spectacular fall
From grace
Before I became a complete, total and utter waste of space
A pitiful, shameful, embarrassing disgrace.
Why won’t you let me experience that again
My old, my dear, my beloved friend?