Here 4 U
I’m here for you
When you’re sad and lost and lonely and feeling blue
When all you want to do is stay in and hide
To shut the world outside
To close the door
To pound and pummel your fists into the floor
To scream and shout and rant and rage
Trapped in the confines of a white noise cage
When you want to curl up in a ball and cry
Oh why, oh why, oh why, oh why!
I’m here for you
Because I’ve been there too
I know your grief and your pain
I’ve been there time and time again
When you don’t want to get out of bed
When all you want to do is pull the covers close over your head
To sleep the ache and the suffering away
When you can’t face another day
With the curtains drawn tight
Living in the perpetual darkness of night.
I’m here for you
I hope you know that too
That when you’re not okay
When you want everyone just to go away
To leave you be
I’ve been there too you see
So please know that whatever the time of day
Or night
When you’re not alright
When you’re in a dark place
An in between space
Far from the light
That I’m here for you
Please don’t feel you’re all alone
I’m here for you
At the end of the phone.