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I have a 360 degree view
I see the truth of you
I see behind your back
Where the knife plunged in so deep
The hurts and slights you keep
Playing over and over in your mind
On pause
And rewind.
I see you
I see through the sham
And the flim flam
The mask you wear
That you have so tightly gripped
It has slipped
And you are there
And beautiful to behold.
I see deep into your eyes
Into the depths of your soul
I see what no-one has ever seen or glimpsed before
Because you have been too frightened
You have put up a front
To protect yourself
You keep the dark bits hidden, guarded and locked up inside
Let them out
They deserve to see the light of day.
I see what I see
And that is all I can say.
I have a 360 degree view
I see the truth of you
I see behind your back
Where the knife plunged in so deep
The hurts and slights you keep
Playing over and over in your mind
On pause
And rewind.
I see you
I see through the sham
And the flim flam
The mask you wear
That you have so tightly gripped
It has slipped
And you are there
And beautiful to behold.
I see deep into your eyes
Into the depths of your soul
I see what no-one has ever seen or glimpsed before
Because you have been too frightened
You have put up a front
To protect yourself
You keep the dark bits hidden, guarded and locked up inside
Let them out
They deserve to see the light of day.
I see what I see
And that is all I can say.