Surfing the Waves
Goodbye to your old life
The one that caused you so much trouble and strife
That tossed you about
On an ocean of tears
That rocked your cradle to and fro
And lulled you to sleep.
Wave goodbye
To being High and
Dry is what I now must be
How hard is that when I’m surrounded on all sides by sea
Tempting and enticing me to dive right in
To saturated satiation.
A killer wave hits
And knocks me about
Galloping white hooves pummel me
Until I’m black and blue
Breaking my bones
Testing the last vestige of my resolve.
Sharks circle round
Tormenting me
Waiting to catch me off guard
When I hit a low
Waiting for me to slip up and fall over board
To capsize so they can feast on their prize
As the waves keep crashing down.
I can’t give up now.
I’ve got to keep fighting,
And battling on
Against the swell that tries with all its might to pull me back
Resisting the unbridled force that threatens to sweep me away and pull me under
To drag me down and engulf me
To submerge me
To subsume me
To the bottomed-out bliss of the ocean floor
To the eternal peace and serenity
Of a watery grave.
I’ve got to dig deep
And plunge in my oar
I’ve got to row against the current
Straining and struggling
Exhausted by the exertion of letting it go
With the flow.
It’s hard work trying to keep afloat
Keeping my head above water
Bobbing up and down
Thrown hither and thither
At the whim and mercy of my emotions
On a cruel and unforgiving sea.
I have to carry on
On this new course I’ve set
Guided by the will of determination
To the dawn of a new horizon.
I’ve got to ride it out
This storm will pass
The tide will turn
The dark skies will brighten.
Keep on surfing those waves
The tumultuous ebb and flow
These cravings that gnaw at my skull
Will come and go.