The Hungry Beast
When you have a beast that needs feeding
That keeps you locked up and chained inside
Trying to keep it a secret
Trying to run and hide
From the truth
That’s staring and glaring you in the face
That you’re always out of
Living in a separate, disjointed place
In an empty space
In your bubble
Out of reach
Out of touch
With reality
Losing your grip
And your sanity
It doesn’t care what it gets
It really couldn’t care less
As long as it gets something
As long as it gets fed
As long as its appetite is sated
Its thirst is quenched
And soaked
As long as it gets you out of your head
That you dive and delve further into
For a while.
When you have a beast that needs feeding
You are its slave
You are at its behest
It doesn’t make a request
It demands
Feed me Seymour
Feed me!
That’s not enough
Gimme more!
Until you’re scrabbling around on the floor
Picking through the dust and the dirt
Searching for a crumb
Rifling through pockets
In the hope of finding a gift that’s fallen out
Searching for the odd few nub ends you haven’t smoked right down to the roach
Soaked and rotting in your outside ashtray
The soil
Drying them out
Heating them up
Taking them apart
This is a subject
A disgusting, filthy habit
You really don’t want to broach
Rooting through the bin
Trying to find a skin
With something left in
Amid the egg shells
You’ve walked on tentatively
The leftovers and detritus
Of yesterday’s life.
When you have a beast that needs feeding
It’s like a dog with a bone
Pick up the goddamn phone
I just can’t leave it alone
This scab
I have an itch and it needs to be scratched
It’s out of control
That you were once in
You’re still functioning
Just about
A caged tiger
With a mouse’s squeak for a roar
Pacing back and forth
Until you’re clawing at your skin
Why, oh why, oh why
Why on earth did I let you in?
All this hanging and waiting around
To score
I don’t want to go through this rigmarole anymore
I need it
And I need it now
I’m fed up of playing these crazy, stupid games
Hook me up already
Feed it intravenously into my veins
Just put me on a drip
So I have a constant supply.
What started off as a social animal
Keeps you shut away behind closed doors
With its long grasping paws
That hold you down by the shoulders
And throttle you around the neck
Of the bottles
Running empty and clear
The darling green, green buds of home
That glow
And pulse
And pull
With their magnetic draw
Ever closer and near
It’s constant and it’s tiring
My brain will need serious rewiring
To get this beast to stop
To throw this clinging monkey off my back
To become the organ grinder again
The master of my destiny
With a future I want to keep
That’s not bleak
That is not dogged by sleep
Walking through life
In a zombie daze
A purple haze
To run with the brave new wolves
Rather than sticking with the sheep-filled pack
Though painfully separated from the fold
Set apart from the flock
Dressed up in black.