The Sea of Despair
Drowning in a sea of emotions
Plunged to the depths of despair
It’s a place I didn’t want to go
I really, really didn’t want to go there
To touch my grief
The fragile, vulnerable part of me
I’d kept hidden and buried deep.
I didn’t want to go near the wound
I’d kept safely under lock and key in the inner sanctum of my heart
Barricaded in behind thick, impenetrable walls
In the fortress I’d built to keep it at bay
To keep it far, far away
From ever seeing the light of day.
It was far too tender to touch
It hurt that much
It was a scab I’d never picked
One I’d ignored
In the hope it would eventually fade away
Protected in its enclave
Enslaved in a prison of drink and drugs.
As more and more anguish and heartache got heaped on top
I fortified my castle
Adding yet another rampart
And now it is crumbling and caving in
It is falling apart
My weakened heart
And I am picking through the rubble and ruin of devastation
Of desolation in a wasteland where nothing could be nurtured or grow
Until I let my demons go.
Without the air that I breathed and inhaled to keep me afloat
Without the drink that I drank to keep my head above water
Treading water
In the shallows of the moat
Wave after wave have loosened my grip on the safety of the boat to which I clung on tight, with all my might
Pitting me against the darkness of the loneliness of a never-ending night
As I taste the bitter salty tears of my ocean.
A chasm has opened up
A rift that is tearing me apart
Threatening to plunder me asunder
But finally, at least, at last, it is a start
To the healing process that needs to begin
There is a chink in my armour now
A place where the light can find its way in.