What time's wine o'clock Mr. Wolf?
What time’s wine o’clock Mr. Wolf?
As soon as the kids are in bed?
As soon as you get in from work?
First thing in the morning if there’s some left over in the bottle from the night before.
Well, it is 6pm somewhere in the world.
White wine with chicken or fish,
Red wine with red meat.
Both with either
Or neither
On an empty stomach
Instead of food.
One glass
One bottle
It’s too late to eat now.
The thought of it turns my stomach.
Oh mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all?
Come here my pretty and taste this full-blooded red,
Drink me until oblivion summons you to bed.
It’s left its mark and tell-tale signs:
Blackened tongue, inside all dark
Furrowed brow and deep-set lines.
Vampiric teeth
Bitter, brooding clouds gather underneath.
Insidious poison coursing through my veins,
In my mind and in my heart it rains.
She huffs
She puffs
And she blows your house down…
To the ground,
Destruction all around.
Who’s afraid of the white wine witch?
I am.
She stares, she glares
She scowls, she growls
She scares
She prowls, she howls
In pain
She disembowels.
My what big eyes you have!
All the better to keep an eye on you with
My, my what big ears you have!
All the better to hear what I want to hear with
And, oh my what big teeth you have!
All the better to bite your head off with!
She’s checked out,
A malevolent spirit has checked in,
Controlling her every move, her every word
Like a rag doll,
A puppet on a string.
Ding dong the wicked wolf wine witch is dead.
No longer will she hold dominion in my head.